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  • Listen & Observe

  • Situation Analysis

  • Asset Review

  • Establish Options

  • Design Roadmap

  • Facilitate Implementation

The eO2 Team executes strategically designed plans by working with owners and management to guide a property through the challenging business decisions of hospitality operations to achieve the highest and best results for ownership.


Our approach optimizes success in adequately performing assets and creates a Roadmap to Recovery for those that are in crisis. 

The actions we take will depend upon the Brand, Location, Asset Class, Owners objectives, and more. We initally consult with ownership to discuss concerns and desires and eO2 then produces a Situation Analysis, commencing with an operational assessment. If required, we will make a visit to the hotels to review the property’s operations, including  the physical plant, in order to identify any opportunities, areas of need and obstacles. 

This review of the physical asset will determine its position to the competitive set. We will complete a Marketing assessment, Brand and Management evaluation, and then design for Owners a comprehensive Strategic Plan & Roadmap to Recovery. Part of this roadmap will include: an evaluation of the property’s performance expectations for the balance of the year based on reasonable assumptions, a review of the Loan documents to understand the trigger points, and a review of strategic options that lead to a new  Operating Budget. In addition, we will identify ongoing costs and examine all debt, including leases (operational & revenue) and rents. Once completed, our team will advise and consult with owner on options for the next steps.

Design a Comprehensive Strategic Plan & Roadmap to Recovery